Well, a couple weeks ago at work there was a guest sitting in Food Ave and let me tell you what he was lookin' good. Seriously. A while later I see him walking through the store, and the sight of this individual literally and genuinely offended me.
The backside of this guy was the skinny jeans version of the middle dummy. His pants had to be riding below his butt cheeks, I'm not even kidding. He was wearing a sweater way too big for him thank goodness. At least the public was spared a view of his chones.
Here's my issue with severe sag in a more straightforward manner. If you find someone attractive you may take a moment to visually assess them, right? If their pants aren't being worn properly then you can't fully assess an important physical quality. I am offended by that. Think about how men would react if women started wearing loose fitting underwear and saggy jeans. I can't imagine it would go over so well. Guys, pull your pants up. It'll be easier to take you all more seriously and if a lady (or anybody really) feels it necessary, they can check you out without laughing or being offended. Saggy pants are not attractive.