Monday, March 28, 2011


So I was sitting here in my sad little chair, gazing at my pitiful little blog and I noticed...HOLY SHIT!! My blog has 62 views! This was the high point of my day. I say that rather begrudgingly, but it made me smile for a second. It also made me realize that I needed to compose another blog.

Today has been, well, a Monday. Really though, it was Monday. All together it hasn't been a bad  day necessarily, just not the best day I've had in a while. It happens, I know. I would like to say that it could have been those around me that ruined my day. I could lay blame on that annoying person in class, or that so and so who cut me off (no one really cut me off, I'm just using general examples) and say that my piss poor mood and possibly piss poor attitude was due to them, but I won't.

I'll admit it, I probably have a lot to do with this poor attitude and disposition. I just hope that it's adjusted itself magically by morning, I don't find too much enjoyment in being grumpy.

Thank you for the 62 views.

1 comment:

  1. Just dropped by to feed your fish, because that really honestly makes my day. :D
