Tuesday, January 17, 2012


As I'm perusing through Pinterest this very day, I came across an image of a very clever bathroom sign design. The design consisted of one toilet with the seat up and one with the seat down. Seat up had an M imposed on it and the seat down had a W appropriately for men and women. To me this made perfect sense and was ingenious, but what shocked me was what I found in the comments below the image.  Two women had commented suggesting that those signs wouldn't suit their homes because they make their husbands sit. Wait, what?

How the hell would one even go about forcing a man to sit on the can rather than stand to pee? Why would that even be big enough of an issue that he would have to be made to sit down? Does he have the aim of a four year old? Or is she just a controlling you know what? Aside from that, how would a wife/girlfriend/slave-driver even know for sure if he's sitting down? Does she watch him pee? Are there cameras installed in the toilet paper holder? Maybe she just took some liquid nails and glued the seat down. Either way, even I was offended by this idea. How demeaning is that in a relationship to control how a person urinates. She probably counts out how many squares of TP he can use, too.

Tell me what you think. Do you agree? Or do you see legitimate justification in this sort of thing?


  1. That's so stupid. I don't care if the seat is up or down. I can just as easily adjust it myself when I use the bathroom. It's not that hard to look before you sit... Seriously.

    I could never feel right about being a controlling person like that in my relationship.

  2. I guess if you were into that kind of control thing that would be one thing, but if you weren't why would you put up with it. This was extremely amusing to read though.
