For a lot of people the changing of the seasons simply means adjusting to the morphing weather patterns. For many, however, it can signal a complete change of lifestyle. I'm pondering this as the fact that I have two and a half weeks left of my summer here at home floats around my head. Some days this floater causes a great deal of stress and unrest. Today it is without a vindictive agenda, at least so far.
In just two to three weeks I will be leaving my hometown and heading back to Wyoming where I attend school. Don't get me wrong, I have been looking forward to this since this past semester ended. I will get to see the friends I left there 3 months ago. I'll be moving into a house with a couple friends. No more dorm hell!! I also have extravagant birthday plans involving the Kings of Leon, a road trip, good food, and shopping. Aside from that I always have, and hopefully always will, enjoy school. I'm truly looking ahead to the grindstone of class and homework with excitement.
There are a lot of things I'm not looking forward too though. Not a single little bit. Leaving things/places/people (mostly people) is hard. This will be the third summer in a row that I have to leave someone behind that I care a great deal about. Now, if it were up to me I'd stuff him in my suitcase and he would come with me. It's not up to me though, and that's how life is. I understand and accept this. Doesn't mean I'm going to like it.
I don't know what's going to be happening with a lot of things in the very immediate future. I don't like that, and I don't think a lot of people really do.
I just came across your blog, and this post stands out to me, I attend school a decent ways away from home and every time I come back someone else is gone, I guess its just the point in life where this happens but it doesn't change any of it.