Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In My Notepad

Sitting in the, attempting to wake up for the day, I began flipping through my little yellow notepad. This notepad is one of the small things that helps me to remain sane. Well, sometimes. When I need to remember something, organize my thoughts, or just plain ole' write shit down - I write it on one of my many little notepads. This one is a baby yellow legal pad. As I went through my brain vomit I found a page that I'm not sure when it was transcribed. I have been struggling to find a blog subject for a few days, so this worked out perfectly.

The future holds
so many unknowns.
They mingle with one another.
Some tied together.
Others sit alone,
the wall flowers.
Entering the room some snicker
while others appear as lost as I.
Do I approach the unknown 
and attempt to make something
of anything?
Or should I take my habitual place 
along the wall 
and watch the unknown,
remaining as such,
pass me by?

Now, I'm no poet. It's just some of the nicer brain vomit I have. It reflects the struggles in my mind more often than not and is generally written after midnight or way too early in the morning. I don't usually publicly share these writings, but it seems to be working out for this blog occasionally.

Almost 1,000 views! High five!

1 comment:

  1. New artwork posted in the right column! Check it out and tell me what you think.
